District Quiz 2024
Yet another night of hard fought quizzing took place at Catrine & Sorn and after being runner up on several occasions Moira Union finally took the trophy from Catrine & Sorn. Eight Preceptories took part with each question finely debated to determine every point and at the half way break Moira Union had a narrow lead. After consuming brain fodder of pie and beans it was into round two. More debate followed each answer but finally after four rounds Moira Union were well deserved winners.
Our thanks must once again go to Jim Kurth for devising a terrific set of questions.


District Grand Prior Eddie and District Grand Seneschal Jim made their annual Christmas trip to the children's ward at Crosshouse Hospital 2023.



DGP of Ayrshire with the DGP of the Carribbean, R.E.Fr. Ruben Dario McSween at Grand Master's Council meeting on 10th October. A really nice guy with a great demeanor and lots of patience with everyone wanting a photo taken. 

It was really good to hear his report on his and the District's activities/situations and how similar in many ways they are to our own here in Scotland and Ayrshire. It was an absolute pleasure to meet the man.

Golf - Watson Salver 2023

On the 11th of June our Annual Golf Competition took place ,once again at Prestwick St. Cuthberts Golf Club. On behalf of myself and all the 14 guys who participated a most sincere thanks must go once again to Em.Ftr. Tom Dunlop for all his hard work in organising the event. Tom once again negotiated a terrific deal with his club and it's members. It was an excellent day, and from the comments made by everyone both during their round and in the clubhouse it was enjoyed by all who took part. Thanks must go to the members who "signed us as non members on" and in some instances joined us to make up the numbers. The weather was fantastic. The course was in excellent condition and the thunderstorm of the previous night had had no adverse effect on the course, it didn't slow the greens down!!

AFTER A VERY GOOD MEAL The prize giving then took place with Past DGP Peter Watson KCT, as the Silver Salver Trophy sponsor presenting the winner's trophy to Em. Ftr. Tom Dunlop, Tom also won the "nearest the hole at the 5th" prize . [I hope I've got that right]. Runner up on the day was Bro. Brian Speirs.There was a free raffle after the prize giving . Everyone being issued with tickets when they came in from their round . There was a fine selection of prizes one of which  was a bottle of Cardhu.I then made the draw for the EXTRA SPECIAL MALT which Tom had been selling tickets for at musters and the winner was David McIntyre Preceptor of Moira Union. Tom then presented £61 to the District Treasurer for the charity fund.

Finally our most sincere thanks go to the catering and bar staff at the club for looking after so well on the day.Thank you all very much.

Rt. Em DGP Eddie Lawless

McBlain Fishing Trophy 2023 - Held at Coyle water fishery

Sunday 28th May, a day of great sporting events....the last game of the season, the Monaco Grand Prix, the last stage of the Giro D'Italia and.......the District Grand Priory of Ayrshire fishing competition. Sadly, unlike the others, the fishing was NOT televised, so you had to be there to see it.
The venue was Coyle Water Fishery, the time was 9am, the sun was in the sky and the fishing began.
All ten competitors made their first cast and hoped to feel that pull on the line.
Things started slow, but Frater Stuart Hamilton finally managed to hooked the first fish, and with it safely in the net, the pressure eased.
Over the other side of the water Frater Andrew Carnochan was also into a fish.
The fish were maybe going to play ball today.
Not long after, both Stuart and Andrew were into their second fish.....and Frater Billy Boe had decided enough was enough.....he hooked into a fish to give these two young upstarts a lesson on catching fish.
Elsewhere things were quiet.
Frater Hamilton hooked into a third fish, and what a fish.....4lb 7oz......someone is going to be eating well tonight.
Andrew was catching again as well, and now Frater Dave Penny showed all his international prowess to get on the scoreboard with his first fish.
As lunch approached, Andrew and Stuart both caught their fourth fish, and weighed in.
Lunch.....over a hot drink, a filled roll and many a tall tale, the fishers took a well earned break.
Flies were discussed and tactics shared.
So the afternoon began, the temperature got hotter, and the fishing got tougher.
Mr John Priest Jnr, last years best visitor, then bent his rod into a nice fish.....looks like he may be in the prizes AGAIN.
Frater Carnochan was now on catch and release and couldn't stop.....8 fish caught now.....the man's a machine!!!!!!
The crowd were gathering in numbers....District Grand Seneschal James Dobbie perambulated the water encouraging the Fraters, even taking time to talk to the public!!!!
Past District Grand Prior Peter Watson was on hand to offer some encouragement while Very Eminent Frater Ross Campbell was ready with the camera to picture the winners.
The afternoon proved difficult and when the final whistle blew the participants awaited the results.
John Priest Junior repeated last years success with a clean sweep in the visitors category, heaviest bag AND heaviest fish.
And now the members, last years winner graciously agreed to pass on the trophy this year, there would be no BACK II BACK celebrations.
The winner of the McBlain Trophy this year was Frater Stuart Hamilton and he then returned to the podium to lift the WAR Dykes Heaviest Fish trophy.
Most successful rod went to Frater Andrew Carnochan who brought an INCREDIBLE 11 fish to the net!!!!!!!!
For those unlucky in the fishing, there was always the raffle.....and thankfully no one went away disappointed.
Huge thanks to those who fished, and even more to those who came just to support the event.
Frater Andrew Gourlay, Frater David McIntyre, Frater Steven Shaw and Frater Craig Hamilton had also turned up to offer there encouragement and support.
And a further thank you to all the fratres who donated to the raffle.
A successful day, some funds raised for the DGP charity fund, and a day of friendship, fine food, fun and fantastic football results!!!!

Here's to next year and many thanks to Stuart for organising the day.

Lisalanna Donation  Immediate Past District Grand Prior Sam with District Grand Prior Eddie present Sam's Great Priory cheque for £500 to Lisalanna.


District Grand Prior's Charity Fund

On completion of his 5 year term in office District Grand Prior Sam approved these 5x £1,000.00 donations from the District Grand Priors Charity Fund.

The James McFarland School in Ardrossan



North Ayrshire Cancer Care



"Beautiful Inside and Out" a Bereavement Support Service




Troon Branch of the Fisherman's Mission


Kyle Stroke Group



Previous donations were -

Ven.Fr. William Kirkpatrick had the pleasure to present to the Clyde Coast M.S. Therapy Centre a substantial Donation on behalf of the Rt. Em. District Grand Prior Samuel Dickson and all the Fratres of the District Grand Priory of Ayrshire. The centre was very grateful for the donation and said that they were most thankful to the Fratres of Ayrshire for the large donation.
Photo shows the inside of the hypobaric chamber with Ven.Fr. William Kirkpatrick with Dave Fleming and Emma of C.C.M.S.C.

District Grand Prior Sam presents cheque to "Soldiers Off The Street" founder member  Bro. Hammy and Brian Gibson P.M.320 project manager.


V.Em.Fr George Dickie presenting the cheque to the 1st Alloway Boys Brigade.



District News

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